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Simpler Spelling
Word of the Day

Proposed Wordlist

Click here for today's suggestion.
Click here to see an index of all words used so far, in chronological order, most recent first.
Click here to see an index of all words used so far, in alphabetical order.
Click here for the principles that govern the selection of words.
Click here for a list of words rejected for this project because of those principles.

This page comprises two areas: (1) a list of about 1,064 proposed reformed spellings for individual words, plus derivatives, as at May 30, 2017 (as words are used, they are removed from this list and added to the two used-words files, alphabetical and chronological), and (2) a list of wider families of words that lend themselves to a single type of reform (e.g., changing CK to K): -ack, -age, -alk, -alm-, -angle, -atch-, -dg-/soft-G, -ee/-ea, -ed, -eeze, -ell, -ew, -eing, -ick, -ind, -ill, -illion, -ingle, -ingo/-ango, -ive, -nge-, -ock, -ogue, -old/-olt, -ore, -ous, -ove-, -ow, -ower, -own, -uck, -uff, and -y/-fy (long-I sound).

I welcome suggestions, BUT first please search the current versions of (a) this list (including the families of words after the initial alphabetical list) to see if your proposed reform is already under consideration, (b) the "Archives and Index (Alphabetical)" page (filename: archives-alpha.html) to see if that word has already been used, and (c) the "Rejected Words" page (filename: Rejected.html) to be sure that it has not already been considered but rejected. The used-words files (alphabetical and chronological) change every day; the future-words list may change every day as well; and the rejected-words file changes from time to time, tho not regularly.

The partial name (to protect identity) in brackets indicates who first suggested that reform. I will credit any suggestion from another person than myself by the same designation as appears on this page, unless s/he wishes to be credited by full name and locality (which should be conveyed in the email that makes the suggestion). If, for some reason, you don't want even the abbreviation of your email ID, as below, to appear on the SSWD website, do not send me suggestions, since I can't keep track of such things. Suggestions made hereinafter will bear the originator's ID as shown below.

The notation "(comments?)" indicates that I am uncertain about what to do with this word and would welcome advice.

Please direct suggestions and feedback to

Traditional Spelling/s Proposed Reformed Spelling
abattoir abbatwar (will the last syllable be seen as rhyming with present word "war"?)  or abbatwahr (comments?)
abrazo abrosso (American-Spanish pronunciation, not Castliain)
absotively (playful) absotivly (use only with "posilutely")
absquatulate ( "to flee; abscond") absquochulate
a capella occapella
à cheval oshavol
acquiesce/nt, ~nce acquiess/ent, ~nce (not a good spelling in regard to the IE, which dopily represents the sound sequence long-E, short-E, but what alternative do we have?)
adduce aduce
airtight airtite [tite=Music...] or airtyt
alcaide ( in areas of Spanish history: "commander of a fortress" or "a jailer; the warden of a prison." alkydee
allege alej [yaora...] but adjective can be alejjid and adverb is alejjidly (comments?)
allochthon (Science Saturday) alokthon or alocthonm  (comments?)
aloha alohah
altiplano oltiplonno
altogether aultogether
alveolar, alveolus, alveoli (Science Saturday) alveeolar, alveeolus, alveeoli (This is intended to indicate that the word's stress falls on the second syllable, not third. Does it succeed?) (comments?)
ambassador ambassader (The spelling-pronunciation aam.báas.a.dàur is well-established. Can we defy it?) (comments?)
ambivalent, ~ce ambivvalent, ~ce
aminobenzene, aminobenzenoate (Science Saturday) ameenobenzene, amenobenzenoate
amblyopia ("lazy eye"; Science Saturday) amblyopea
ameliorate ameleorate
amnesia, amnesiac, amnesic amneezha, amneezheac, amneezic (comments?)
amphibole (mineral) (Science Saturday) amfibole
amuse-bouche (Food Friday: appetizer, free of charge) amuzeboosh or amuzebooshe or amuzebuesh (comments?)
amygdalin (Science Saturday) amigdalaS
amyloid/osis (Science Saturday) ammiloid/osis
anaconda annaconda
anal (Science Saturday) aenal [Wilddog...] or ainal or aynal
analgesic annaljeezic
anaphylactic, anaphylaxis (Science Saturday) annafilactic,annafilaxis
androgyne, androgynous/ly, androgyny androjine, androjjinus/ly, androjjeny
anemone anemmonee
anemometer (Science Saturday) annemommeter
angio- (Science Saturday) anjeo- (-gram, -graphy, -plasty, -sperm)
angiosperm (Science Saturday) anjeosperm
anhydrous, hyrous (Science Saturday) an/hydrus
animism (Sunday) annimism
anthophilous, anthophagous ( "attracted by or living among flowers. ... feeding on flowers, as certain insects." (Science Saturday) anthoffilous, anthoffagous
antigen (Science Saturday) antijen
anxiety angziaty
anxious angkshas
anxiolytic angzeolitic
anywhere, anyplace enneewhair, enneeplace
apartheid aparthait (how do we show that the T and H are pronounced separately?with a hyphen, "apart-hait"; w/an X, apartxhait; or Q, "apartqhait"?; or apostrophe, "apart'hait"?) (comments?)
aphesis, aphetic ( "the disappearance or loss of an unstressed initial vowel or syllable, as in the formation of the word slant from aslant.") affasis, afettik
aphrodisiac/al afrodeezeac, afrodiziacal
app ap (low priority)
appoint, dis~, ~ment apoint, disapoint or dissapoint, ~ment
appropriate apropreat (adjective) / apropreate (verb)
appurtenance, appurtenant apurtenance, apurtenant
aquaculture aquaculchur
arborvitae, arbor vitae arborvitee (plural then become "~ vitees")
archaic arkayic or arcayic (comments?)
archeology, ~ical (Science Saturday) arkeology /-ical [Cargo...] or ~ollojy
archetype arkitype
archon arkon (term is used in Greek-letter sororities/fraternities)
archosaur (Science Saturday) arkosaur
areola areeola
argent arjent
argue, argument argyu, argyument [space...]
Arkansas (state:) Arkansaw (river: placed intu Rejected file because of two pronunciations) (There's a problem with changing the name of a state because of the many legal documents that would be affected if the change is adopted by the government. So a change in spelling could in general be used only outside government.)
Armagnac (Booze Tuesday) (brandy) armanyac(k) (comments?)
armamentarium armamentareum
armoire armwar or (clearer) armwahr (cf. Brahmin, cheetah, Fahrenheit (for spellng, not pronunciation), hurrah; the AR in the first syllable may make a simple AR in the second syllable acceptable, tho "war" is a word to itself with the wrong sound)
arrhythmia (Science Saturday) arithmea
arrow/head arro [Dogs...], arrohed or arro-hed (comments?)
arroyo aroyo
articulate articculit (adjective), articculate (verb)
artifice artifiss
asafetida, asafoetida assafettida (Merriam-Webster shows a pronunciation with a long-E in the third syllable that other online dictionaries do not. Do we need to accommodate it and thus not double the T, which would make this word not appropriate for change?) (comments?)
ascites, ascitic (Science Saturday) asiteez, asittic
asexual aisexual [garden...]
ashore, shore ashor [Fireworks...], shor
ashram/a (Sunday) oshram, oshrama
asinine assinine
asomatous (incorporeal) aisomatus
asparagus asparragus
asphyxia/te asfixia/te
assail/ant asail/ant
assassin asassin
assemble, assembly, assemblage asemble, asembly, asemblij
assess/ment asess/ment
asseverate asevverate
assiduous asijjuus (compare continuum, vacuum)
assist/ant asist/ant [Gator...], ~ance
assuze asize
associate asociate (verb), asociat (noun)
assorted asorted
assume, assumption asume [Music...], asumption [tvp...]
assure ashure [Firewall...]
assuage aswage [yaora...] (Will this be read as a compound of "as" and "wage"?)  or aswaje (beter, frum Box...) (comments?)
asthma, asthmatic asma [Yaora...], asmattic; or azma, azmattic ("Asthma" has two pronunciations, one with a Z-sound, the other with an S-sound. Will people who use a Z-sound accept a plain S as representing their way of speaking (they do now, cf. "plasma"), or as mandating that they use an S-sound, so prefer "azma"? If the latter, this word cannot be changed, because Z will surely not be seen as accommodating the pronunciation that employs an S-sound. ) (comments?)
astronomy, astronomer (Science Saturday) astronnomy, astronommer
asymmetric aysimetric or aisimetric
ataraxia ( "a state of freedom from emotional disturbance and anxiety; tranquillity".) attaraxea
atavism, atavistic (Science Saturday) attavizm, attavistic
atelier attelyay
atlatl otlottle
atom, atomic attom, atommic
atrial fibrillation (Science Saturday) aitreal or aytreal fibrilation
atrium, (plural) atria or atriums aitreum, aitrea, aitreums or aytreum, aytrea, aytreums
attempt atempt
atrocious atroashus
attach atach
attempt atempt
attend/ance atend [Music...]/ance
attention atention
attenuate atennuate (wrong letter is doubled)
attire atire [Music...]
attorney aturny [yaora...] or aterny (comments?)
attribute (verb; noun remains {attribute") atribbute
atypical/ly aytippically or aitippical/ly ("typical/ly" was used as "tippical/ly" on December12, 2012)
aubergine (British for "eggplant") oberzheen
audacity audassity
audience audeance
aught awt [fishstick...] or aut (comments?)
au pair opair
auspicious auspishus
autobahn autobon (This is for people who use the anglicized pronunciation. People who prefer a more German pronunciation, óut.oe.bon, will prefer to leave the current spelling. So this is low-priority.)
autochthon (Science Saturday) autocthon or autokthon (comments?)
autologous (Science Saturday) autollogus
automaton, automata autommaton, ~a (I actually heard some woman appraiser on Antiques Roadshow say áòn, but that's wrong.)
automobile automobeel
autonomy, ~nomic, ~nomous/ly autonnomy, autonommic, autonnomus/ly
autumn/al autum/nal
auxiliary auxilyary or auxilyerry (to fite illiterate mispronunciation aug.zíl.a.rèe)
avarice avvariss
avatar avvatar
average avrij (or, because some, tho very few, people do use the spelling pronunciation, with three syllables) avverij (comments?)
avid avvid
avionics (Science Saturday) aveonics
avocation avvocation
awe aw (but there is the interjection of the same spelling) or auw [Foog...], awsum [Check...] (comments?)
awry ari, arie, ary, arye, ariy, arih, or ?? (comments?)
axiom axeom or axeum
axolotl (Science Saturday) axolottle
aye ie (but cf. "i.e.") [Dogs...] or iy ("ie" was already offered here for "eye" on November 5, 2010; can we use it for both "eye" and "aye"?) (comments?)
azimuth azzimuth
azure azhur
baggie baggee [garden...]
baklava, baclava boklavah
bandolero (Not all dictionaries accept this as English, but Oxford does: "Spanish bandit".) bandolairo
barbie (Australian for bbq) barby [garden...] or barbee
barbiturate barbichurate
basilica basillica
bathysphere (Science Saturday) bathisfere
belligerent bellijjerent
benzocaine (Science Saturday) benzocain
Bichon Frise beeshon freezay (Can this name of a breed of lapdog be changed? Some people giv it French pronunciation with a long-O, nasalized and stressed, in the first word (bee.shóenn) and a long-A at the end of the second word (free.'ae); others pronounce it bee.shon freez; comments?)
biggie biggy [tvp...]
binomial binomeal ("meal" presents a problem)
biography, biographical biografy [Dogs...] or bioggrafy; biograffical (comments?)
bioluminescence, ~ent bioluminessance, ~nt
blackboard blakbord [Garage...] (If "black" is not revised, can this be revised?) (comments?)
blowgun, blowhole, blowtorch bloegun, bloehole, bloetorch [Multi...]
boat boet or bote [both from space...] (low priority)
bombardier bombardeer (airman who drops bombs); bombardeeay (for snowmobile vehicle) (comments?)
boohai; booai, booay (in New Zealand, a remote area) boohi; booi
bookworm bookwerm [Cal...]
botryoidal (shape of cluster of grapes) bohtreoidal, or bohtryoidal or boatreyoidal or boatryoidal or boatreoidal (comments??)
botulin, botulinus, botulinum, botulism (Science Saturday) bochulin, bochulinus, bochulinum, bochulizm
boulder boelder
bougainvillaea, bougainvillea booganvillea
bow (and arrow) boe [Clap...] or boew (see -OW GROUP, below) ("Boe" was offered for "beau" on April 14, 2008.)
brew (Booze Tuesday) broo (but what do we do about "brewer/y"?: broower/y? bruery) (comments?)
bridge brij (plural: "brijes", "brijjes"?)
brachiation braikeation or braykeation (comments?)
bronchus, bronchi, bronchitis (Science Saturday) brongkus, brongkee or brongki, brongkitis
brow brou [Shoe...] or brouw
bruit (medical term) bruwy, bruewy, or brooey (like "hooey")
Buddha, Buddhism, Buddhist (Sunday) Booda, Boodizm, Boodist (OO allows either the short-OO or long-OO pronunciation)
budge, ~es, ~ing, ~ed buj, bujjes, bujjing, bujd
budgerigar, budgie bujjereegar, bujjereegah, bujjy or bujjee
buoy/ant, ~cy booey (noun)/ boi (verb) [Clap...] (cf. gooey, poi, borzoi), boy/ant, ~cy
bustier (corset) boostyae or boosteyay or boostyay or boosteay (comments?)
buttock/s buttak/s [Clap...: "the word buttocks is often mispronounced to rhyme with rocks because of it's misleading spelling"]
caper (Food Friday) cayper
cardio- (Science Saturday) cardeo-
cardiomyopathy (Science Saturday) cardeomyoppathy
cartilage, ~ginous (Science Saturday) cartilij, cartilajjinus
cassis (Buez Tuesday) (use with "kir") caseece or caseese or caseess (comments?)
cataplasm (Science Saturday) cattaplazm (use only with "poultice")
cetacean, ~ous (Science Saturday) cetation or citaition or citaishon (comments?), ~us
cheat/er/s cheet/er/s
checker/board, chequer/board checkerbord [Fisherman...] or chekkerbord ("Check"/"cheque" was offered here as "chek" on August 28, 2010.)
chia (Food Friday) chea
chiropody, chiropodist (Science Saturday) kiroppody, kiroppodist (if the pronunciation with an SH-sound is commonplace, we cannot reform this word
choroid, chorioid, choroidal (Science Saturday) coroid, coreoid, coroidal
chorion (Science Saturday) coreon
Christie, Christy, Christiana (skiing) cristee, cristeannea
chromatography (palmistry) cromatoggrafy
chronometer, chronometric (Science Saturday) cronommeter, cronomettric
Cimmerian ( "very dark; gloomy") cimerean or cimeerean
cirrhosis (Science Saturday) cirosis
clear cleer [Water...] (necessary? intended to distinguish from "nuclear", but "clear" is part of a pattern whereas "nuclear" is the exception) (comments?)
clinic clinnic
cloasma cloewazma (use with "melasma")
clockwise, counter~ clockwize [Fisherman...], counter~
closure cloezher [Moon...] or cloezhur or clozher or cloazher or cloazhur or clohzher, etc.  (comments?)
coagulate coaggulate (verb), coaggulit (adjective, but obsolete)
coati/mundi, ~mondi coewottee/mundy (comments?)
coccyx,  (plural) coccyges, (but should be) coccyxes (Science Saturday) coksix, coksijeez, coksixes (comments?)
coerce; coercion coewerce or coawerce or cohwerce; coewershan or coewerzhan  (comments?)
coeval coeeval or coeweeval or coeweval (comments?)
cohesion coheezhon or coheezhun (comments?)
coir coyyer or coiyer [Music...] >>("oir" is very ambiguous and "coir" is the only word where "oir" is pronounced "oiyer".)<<
coincide/nce coewincide/nce
coitus, coition coewitus, coewition
cold coeld [Clap...], or coald or cohld (comments?)
collaborate, collaboration cullabborate, cullabboration
colorectal (Science Saturday) colo-rectal (mention that this spelling is clearer, tho longer, and contains a hyphen, whereas people tend to prefer to do without hyphens; but here, without it, the word starts with "color", which is misleading)
Comanche Comanchee
combative combattiv
comedy, comic, comedian, comedienne commedy, commic, comeedian, comeedienne
commission comishon or comishun or camishon or camishun (comments?)
commode, dis~ camode, discamode or comode, discomode (comments?)
commodious camodeus or comodeus (comments?)
comparison comparrison
compendium compendeum
composite compozzit (Brits actually say kó; if "compozzit" would offend them, they can continue to use the unphonetic spelling, and just add that to the list of words spelled differently in the New World and Old.)
compost compoest or compoast (comments?)
concatenate, ~ion concattmythopoeicenate, ~ion
concierge coanseeyairzh or coneceairzh or conesyairzh or ?? (comments?)
concupiscence, concupiscent concupissence, concupissen
concussion concushon
condescend, condescension condisend, condisention
confidant confidont (prescriptivist, but rightly)
confit (Food Friday) caunfee or confee (comments?)
confuse, confusion confuze, confuezhon or cunfuez, cunfuezhon or ~feuzhon or ~zhun (comments?)
conga congga
congeal conjeel
congee, congé conjee, conzhay or conjay
congener conjener, conjenerric, conjennerus
congenial cunjeenyal or conjeenyal (contrast "congenital")
congenita l(Science Saturday) conjennital
congest/ion, ~ive conjest/ion, ~iv
conjecture, conjectural conjecchur, conjecchural
conk congk
connect canect
conscience, conscious, subconscious, unconscious, ~ness conshence, conshus, subconshus, unconshus [fishstick...]/ness (contrast "science" with "conscience") -NSH- is perceived by some people to have an implied T (-NTSH-), which means the whole sequence is in turn perceived as NCH (kon.chans, etc.).
consecutive conseccutiv
consigliere, (plural) consiglieri caunseelyairae, (plural) caunseelyairee
constable, constabulary constabull, constabbeulerry
consuetude conswetude or conswitude
consummate consumat/e or consummat (adj.; leave verb as-is?) (comments?)
contagious, contagion contaijon, contaijus
contemn contemm or contem (comments?)
contemptuous contempchuus
contest (noun) conntest (low priority)
contingent continjent
continuous continuus (cf. "continuum")
contrary contrerry and contrairy
contrecoup contracoo
contretemps contraconn
contribute contribbute (to fite foreign mispronunciatiion kón.tri.byùet) 
control/led, ~l(l)ing controle/d [Clap...], controling
contusion contuezhon or contuezhun (comments?)
convey cunvay [Firewall...] or convay (will comparison with "convoy" produce stress on first syllable?)
convivial cunvivveal or convivveal (comments?)
convulsion convulshon or convulshun (comments?)
cookie cookee (cf. pie, tree) [Clap...] or cooky (comments?)
coomb/e, comb coom [fishstick...] (but there is more than one pronunciation; can we change this?) (comments?)
copacetic, copasetic copasettic
co-pay, copay copay
copulate, ~tion coppulate, ~tion
copy/write/r coppy [Doghouse...] /rite [Cal...], /-riter [Red...]
coquette cokett or cokette (comments?), cokettish
coriander coreander
cornstalk cornstauk [GreenD...] (use with "stalk")
cornucopia cornucopea
corpuscle corpussle or corpussel (comments?)
corral coralle or caral or caralle (comments?)
corroborate carobborate
corrode, corrosion, corrosive carode, carozhon (or corrozhun), carosiv
corsage corsozh
cos (British for romaine lettuce) causs
cosmic cozmic [Garden...]
cosmopolitan, cosmopolite cozmopollitan, cozmoppolite
cosmos cozmos
cosy, cozy, cozie cozy
cotillion, cotillon cotillyon or catillyon
cottage cottij
cotto coto
couchette cooshette
counterfeit counterfit
counterpoise counterpoiz
coup cu, cooh, ku, koo, or kooh (comments?)
coup d'état, coup d'etat kudaytah or coodaytah or coodaitah or cooh~
coupe, coupé [?] cupay [Clap...] or coopay
courageous curraijus
courier curreur or curreeyur or curreeyar (comments?)
courtesy, courteous curtesy (however, there is an unusual legal term with this spelling), curteus
courtier cortyer or corteur or corteyur or corteyar (comments?)
courtship cortship ("Court" was used as "cort" on May 16, 2005/)
courtyard cortyard ("Court" was used as "cort" on May 16, 2005/)
covet cuvvet or cuvvit
covey cuvvy
cow cou [Starry...] or couw
coward cowwerd or couwerd or cowward or couward (necessary? if used, already-offered "cowardiss" (5/12/05) will have to be adjusted) (comments?)
cower cowwer or couwer (see -OWER GROUP, below)
cowl couwel
coyote coyotee (to fite the spelling-(mis)pronunciation kíe.yoet)
cozen cuzzen
cozy, cosy, cozie (remove "cosy" above when I use this) cozy
crabbed crabbid (low priority for being rare nowadays)
cranium, cranial craneum, craneal
crappie croppy or croppie or croppee (comments?)
craquelure craklure or craclure (to avoid 3-syllable mispronunciation that "cracklure" (similar to "crackle") might produce) or crackelure (if we decide that 3 syllables is a better pronunciation after all)
cravat cravatt
creativity creativvity
credit creddit
crematorium creematoreum (I actually heard a reporter on the Deeutsche Welle TV show Focus on Europe say krèm.a.tá
crème fraîche, creme fraiche cremfreh
cremini/s, crimini/s cremeeny, cremeenies
crenel/lated, ~ationFF crennel/ated, -ation
crepitate creppitate
cretaceous cretaishus
crevice crevviss
crew cru(e) (do we need a final-E?) (comments?)
criminal crimminal
crinoline crinnalin
criterion, criteria critereon, criterea
critique criteek
crooked crookid [FireW...]
croquet crokay
croquette (Food Friday) croket or crokett or crokette (comments?)
crore cror or kror (from Hindi "kror")
crow/ed, crowing cro/ed, croeing or croewing (comments?)
crowbar crobar or croebar
cruel crual (to guide people away from one-syllable pronunciation)
crustacean crustaishon, crustayshon, crustation (comments?)
crwth crooth [fishstick...]
cryptosporidium, ~a criptosporideum, ~ea
crystal/line cristal/in (but American pronunciation of adjectival form)
cuckold cuckled or cuckald (comments?)
cuckoo cookoo
cudgel cujjel
culture culchur or culcher (comments?) (would include derivatives agriculchur, viniculchur, aquaculchur, etc.)
comeuppance cumuppance
curettage curettozh
curfew curfue [Staek...]
curio cureo
curmudgeon curmujjon or curmujjin (comments?)
curvaceous curvayshus or curvaeshus (comments?)
curve/ball curv [Fireworks...] /ball
custodial custodeol [fishstick...] (contrast "dial")
cutie, cutey cuty (low priority)
cwm koome or koohm or koom [space...]
cyan siyan [Gator...], ciyan (comments?)
cybernetics cybernettics
cygnet signit or cignet (comments?)
cylinder, cylindrical sillinder, sillindrical
cymbal simbal [Firewall...]
cynic/al sinnic/al
cyst cist (cf. cistern and esp. cisterna) or sist (comments?)
damascene, damaskeen dammasene or dammaseen, dammaskeen
daphne  (Science Saturday) ( "(lowercase) Botany. any Eurasian shrub belonging to the genus Daphne, certain species of which, as D. mezereum, are cultivated for their fragrant flowers.") dafnee or dafny (comments?)
décolletage daycoltozh (a guide away from spelling-pronunciations rather than prescriptivist condemnation of other pronunciations)
décolleté, decollete daycoltay (a guide away from spelling-pronunciations rather than prescriptivist condemnation of other pronunciations)
defamation, defamatory deffamation, defammatory or difammatory (comments?)
defecate, defecation deffecate, deffecation
dehisce/nt, ~nce; indehisce/nt, ~nce (Science Saturday) dehiss/ent, ~ence; indehiss/ent, ~ence
demerol (Science Saturday) demmerol (but this is a trademark)
demography, ~phics demoggrafy, demmograffic/s
dermatology, dermatological, dermatologist (Science Saturday) dermatollojy, dermatolojjical, dermatollojist
dernier cri dairnyaycree
dhole doel [Gator...] or doal (low priority)
dhoti, dhooti, dhootie, dhuti doty; dooty
diatomite (Science Saturday) diattomite
dinitrobenzenen (Science Saturday) dinytrobenzene
disable/d disaible/d
discursive discursiv
disease dizeez (use with "ease")
diva, (plural) divas, dive deeva(s), deevay (contrast "diver", "divagate", "divan")
divisive divysiv (to fite mispronunciation di.vís.iv)
divorcé(e), divorce(e) deevorcsay
Djibouti Jibuety, Jibuetee, Jibooty, Jibootee, Jiboohty, or Jiboohtee (comments?)
Doberman pinscher Doberman pinsher or doberman ~
dodge, dodgy doj/yy (But what of the plural of the noun, and third-person and past tense of verb? "Dojes", "dojd"?)
dotard doetard oe doeterd (comments?)
don't doan't or doen't (cf. "dont walk" signs) [Clap...] (comments?)
dook (wooden plug) dooke or doohk (comments?)
dos-à-dos, do-si-do dosydoe or doseedo or doeseedoe (comments?)
douche (Science Saturday) doosh or dooshe or duesh (low priority and perhaps not entirely appropriate for this project, which is largely directed to schoolchildren) (comments?)
doux doo
dower, dowry dowwer, douwry or douwer, doury (see -OWER GROUP, below) (comments?)
Dramamine drammameen
dramaturge, dramaturgy dramaturj, dramaturjy
drogue droeg or droag (comments?)
drongo (tropical bird) dronggo
drudge druj
duplicate (noun) duplicat [Dogs...]
Dutch Duch (nationality); duch (sharing expenses)
dysgeusia ( "an impairment of the sense of taste") disgyoozea or disgyoozha (comments?)
dysphagia disfaijea, disfaja, or disfaija (comments?)
dysphemism disfemizzam or disfemizm or disfamizm or disfumizm (comments?)
dysphoria disforea
dystrophy, ~phia, dystrophic distrofy, distrofea, distrofic (tho some people pronounce the O in "dystrophic" as a short-O, other people, and maybe most, pronounce it long, so we should not double the following-F — ?)
eclectic eeclectic or iclectic (comments?)
Edinburgh Edinburra
effect ifect or efect (comments?)
effectuate ifecchuate
effendi effendee
Egypt, Egyptian Eejipt, Eejipshan or Eejiptian (TIAN is a variation on the common suffix TION, which we are not attempting to replace.)
ejaculate ejacculate (verb), ejacculit (noun) (noun may be inappropriate for this project, which is largely directed to schoolchildren)
endemic endemmic
endocardium endocardeum
engage/ment engaje/ment
ennead enneyad or enneead (does either of these imply stress on the second syllable? if so, how else might we show that the pronunciation is éàad?)  enneadd? (comments?)
enrapture enrapcher or enrapchur ("Rapcher" was offered for "rapture" on September 20, 2006, so if "enrapchur" seemz preferabool here, we should revise "rapture" to "rapchur" there.)
enthusiasm, enthusiastic/ally enthuzeazm, enthuzeastic/ally
entomology, entomological/ly, entomologist entomollojy, entomolojjical/ly, entomollogist
entreaty entreety
en/vision en/vizhon or en/vizhun
ephedra (Science Saturday) efedra
epicure eppicure
epidemiology (Science Saturday) eppidemeollojy or eppideemeollojy (comments?)
epidural eppidural
epigram/matic eppigram/attic
episiotomy (Science Saturday) epeezeottomy
equanimity equanimmity
equilibrium equilibreum
equipoise equipoiz
equivalent equivvalent
equivocal, equivocate equivvocal, equivvocate
esophageal (Science Saturday) isoffajeeal
espionage espeonozh
eugenics eujennics
euphonium (small, tenor tuba) eufoneum
eustachian (tube) (Science Saturday) yuestaishan (tube)
evil eevool
evocative evoccativ
excoriate excoreate
exfoliate `exfoleate
exist egzist [space...] (low priority)
extraembryonic (Science Saturday) extraenbreonic
explosion, explosive exploazhon or ~.zhun or ~.zhan ; explosiv (comments?)
extirpate exterpate or exturpate
facetious faseeshus [space...], or faceeshus
Fauntleroy, fauntleroy; Little Lord Fauntleroy fauntlaroy
fava (bean)( Food Friday) fovva
feinschmecker (Food Friday: German for "gourmet") fineshmecker
feisty fysty or fystee (comments?)
fettucine (Food Friday) fettucheenee
fibrosis (Science Saturday) fybrosis
film noir filmnwahr or film nwahr
fleishig (Saturday or Sunday) (Microsoft Encarta dictionary: "under Jewish dietary laws, relating to ... meat") flyshig
floriferous florifferus
fluctuate, fluctuation flucchuate, flucchuation
focaccia fococha
forilegium ( "a collection of literary pieces; anthology") florilejeum
flumadiddle ( "utter nonsene", "worthless frills") flummadiddle
fontina (Food Friday) fonteena
foursome faursum
frangipani franjipanee
fraudulent fraujulent
freak freek
free fre (low priority)
frittata (Food Friday) fritotta
frondescence frondessence
frottage frotozh or frottozh
frousy, frouzy, frowsy, frowzy frouzy
fugacious ( fleeting) feugaishus or feugayshus (comments?)
fugleman feugelmon or fuegelmon (comments?)
fuliginous feulijjinus
fungus funggus
fusain (charcoal for drawing) feuzain or fuezain (comments?)
garbanzo (Food Friday) garbonzo
gasholder, gasometer gas-holder, gasommeter
gastroenterology, ~gist (Science Saturday) gastroewenterollojy, ~jist
Gemini Jemmini
genital jennital
geodesic jeodessik (There are two minor alternative pronunciations that I think we don't need to accommodate: jèe.ya.dées.ik and jèe.ya.déz.ik.)(comments?)
German/y Jerman/y [space...]
gerodontics (Science Saturday) jerrodontics
girlfriend gurlfrend [space...] or gerlfrend  or goorlfrend (comments?)
glottal glottle [Caste...] (low priority because "glottal" is phonetic, if not consistent with other words of parallel pronunciation)
going, thoroughgonig, ongoing (etc.) goeing, thorogoeing, ongoeing (etc.)
gouda (Food Friday) gooda or gueda or goohda (comments?)
goujon (Food Friday) ( "flathead catfish"; MS Encarta dictionary: "a long strip of fish or chicken coated in egg and breadcrumbs and deep-fried ") goojen
graduate, graduation grajjuate, grajjuation
grammary/e grammary
grandaunt, ~child, ~daughter, ~father, ~mother grandont,  -chiald, -dauter, -fother, -muther [GreenD...]
granita (Food Friday) graneeta (low priority)
grey, gray gray
greyhound grayhound
grievance greevance
grown, grown-up grone, grone-up ("space...." suggests "gronup" for the noun) (comments?)
growth groath (but "gro" and "gru" have already been used)
guidon gydon or giedon (comments?)
gyro (Greek sandwich) geero (puristic Greek pronunciation would suggest yeero, but that is a step too far for native speakers of English)
halal (Food Friday, which is also appropriate for Islamic issues / Church Sunday) halahl
hard-boil/ed hardboil/ed
Hasid, Hassid, Chasid, Chassid; Hasidic, Hassidic, Chasidic, Chassidic (Saturday) Hassid, Hasiddic
Hephaestus (Greek equivalent of Roman god Vulcan) Hifestus
heliosphere helesfere
herbivorous herbivvorus
heretic (noun; adjective should be "heretical", not "heretic", stressed on second syllable) herretic
heroic, heroism herroewic, herroewizm
herpetophobia herpetofobea
heterochromia hetterocromea
heterochromosome hetterocromosome
heterochromatic, ~in, ~ism hetterocromatic, ~in, ~ism
histology histollojy
holster hoalster (compare "roaster")
homeopathy homeoppathy
homily (Sunday) hommily
houdah, howdah houda
Hugh Hyu or Hyue (comments?)
hussar huzzar (alternative pronunciation does employ an S-sound)
hydrous (use with "anhydrous) (Science Saturday) hydrus
hyena hiyena or hieyeena (comments?)
hypha, (plural) hyphae hyfa (plural then becomes "hyfas" or "hyfee")
hypocorism (nickname, like "Al" for "Alan", "Allen", or "Albert") hypoccorizm
ichnology (Science Saturday) icnollojy or iknollojy (comments?)
incipient incippeant
inclusion inkluezhon or inkluezhun (comments?)
indigenous indijjenus
infidelity (use with "fidelity") infidellity
innuendo inyuewendo or inyuwendo or inneuwendo (comments?)
intelligentsia intellijentsea (rejects minority, puristic (Russian) pronunciation with a G-sound rather than J-sound)
intelligible, unintelligible intellijible, unintellijible
intercession interceshon
intercourse intercorse
interdigitate interdijjitate
interstitial interstishal
intervention intervenchon
inveterate invetterit
isoprene, isoprenoid (Science Saturday) isopreen, isopreenoid
italic/s itallic/s
jacquard jackard
java (Food Friday) jovva
judicious judishus
ketoacidosis (Science Saturday) ketoassidosis
kieserite (Science Saturday) keezerite
kieselguhr (Science Saturday: diatomaceous earth) keezelgoore
kimchi, kimchee, gimchi (Food Friday) kimchee
Kir, kir (use with "cassis") (Booze Tuesday) keer
kirsch, kirschwasser (Booze Tuesday) keersh, ~vosser
Kiswahili, ki-Swahili Keeswaheelee
koan (Encarta dictionary: a Zen Buddhist riddle used to focus the mind during meditation and to develop intuitive thinking) koewahn
lacustrine ( "of or relating to a lake".) lacustrin
lammergeyer, lammergeier (large vulture) lammergyer or lammergiyer or lammergiur or ??
langoustine (Food Friday) langgusteen
Laos, Laotian Louws or Lous; Layoeshan (comments?)
lathe laith(e)
latitudinarian lattitudinaeian
lee le
legitimate lejitimit
lesion leezhon
licorice licorish
limit limmit
linen linnen
litany littany
lobotomy lobottomy
logorrhea  ( "pathologically incoherent, repetitious speech. ... incessant or compulsive talkativeness; wearisome volubility".) logareea
lorazepam lorazzepam
lucrative luecrativ
lotophagi (in classical mythology, lotus-eaters) lotoffaji
macédoine, macedoine massadwonn(e)
maco, mako (Caribbean: gossip) macco
macroglia (Science Saturday) macroglea
marque marke [Fishin...]
marriage marrij (second-round change; first was to "marrage" on September 5, 2004)
measles meezles
measly meezly
meatus (Science Saturday) meaytus
mediate, ~tion medeate, ~tion
megalomania meggalomainea or meggalomanea (comments?)
melasma melazma (use with "chloasma")
memoir memwahr [Clap...] (Some people may see AH within a word as "un-English". I see only two words that aren't frankly foreign, in which an AH in medial position represents broad-A (without a consonantal-H following), "mahjong(g)" and "dahlia", and in "dahlia", oddly, some people say NOT broad-A but short-A and even LONG-A! I would LIKE to be able to propose respellings like "memwahr", "rezervwahr", etc., but I fear they may look, to many people, too much like pronunciation keys in folk phonetics, not real, general-purpose spellings.  But see discussion at "armoire", above.  Comments?)
memorandum/s, memoranda memmorandum/s, memmoranda
meninx, meninges meninx (cannot be changed because there are two common pronunciations, one with long-E, one with short-E), but meninjeez can be reformed)
Mephisto, Mephistopheles Mefisto, Mefistoffeles
mercurial mercureal
meta (self-referential) metta
metabolism, metabolic (Science Saturday) metabbolizm, mettabollic
methemoglobinemia (Science Saturday) met-heemoegloebineemea "(met-HEEM-oh glo-bin-EE-mee-a)"
methylphenidate (Science Saturday) methilfenidate
microglia (Science Saturday) mycrogleea or mycrogleeya
micropolitan mycropolitan
minatory ( "menacing; threatening") minnatory
minuet minneuwett
minutiae minuesheeyee or minoosheeyee
miraculous miracculus
misery, miserable mizzery, mizzerable
Mississippi Mississippy or Mississippee (comments?)
moai, mo'ai moewi
modulate mojjulate
modus operandi modus opperandee
molding, moulding moeld/ing [Clap...], moald/ing
molecule, molecular mollecule, moleccular
monetary, monetize monnetary, monnetize
*monger *mongger
monocline, monoclinal, monoclinic (Science Saturday) monnocline, monnoclinal, monnoclinnic
monomer monnomer
mononym/ous monnonim, mononnimus
monophagous (Science Saturday) monoffagus
moonrise moonrize [Fisherman...]
moonwalk moonwauk [Fisherman...]
moraine morain
Morellino di Scansano (Booze Tuesday) morelleeno dee sconsonno
mores moraze,  moraez, or moraiz (comments?)
morgue morg
mountain mountan [Dogs...] or mounten [fishstick...], who says: "better respelling than mountan because it allows "mountainous" to be respelled 'mountenus' rather than 'mountanus' which looks like 'Mt. Anus'". I don't think we should go out of our way to avoid spellings that children can mock, because children can be very inventive. Still, "fishstick" has a point.  Wouldn't "mountin" work? (comments?)
mouths (plural only)   mouthz (contrast "breaths") [garden... and smithb...]
movable, moveable muvable
mow (verb) moe [Bookk...] (see -OW GROUP, below)
mow (hay pile) mouw
Ms. Miz [space...]
multiply (adj.) multiplee [Dogs...]
multitudinous multitudinus
Mumbai Moombi (how show short-OO?)
mundanity mundannity
muscle mussle [Clap...]
mustard musterd [Clap...]
muesli myuezlee
mulatto moolotto (I was startled on January 22, 2017, to find that three dictionaries gave as the first pronunciation for this slitely antique word, ma.lá, with a short-A as in "at" in the second syllable. I am 72 years old and have never once in my entire life heard anyone say ma.lá, not in person, not on television, not in film. So we need to suppress that insane spelling-(mis)pronunciation by writing the correct pronunciation clearly.)
mush (sentimentality and some other senses) moosh
mutt mut [Music...]
mutual meuchual or muechual (comments?)
muumuu, muu-muu moomoo or mumu (comments?)
mycelium (main part of a fungus), (plural) mycelia myceleum or myceeleum (plural then becomes "myceeleums" or "mycelea") (comments?)
myocardium, myocardial myocardeum, myocardeal
myopia myopea (cannot change "myopic", however, because there are two pronunciations, one with a short-O and one with a long-O)
myriad miriad [rhod...] or meeread or meread (comments?)
myrmidon ( "a loyal follower; especially : a subordinate who executes orders unquestioningly or unscrupulousl") murmidon
myrrh mur [rhode...] or mer (comments?)
nebulizer/r nebbeulize/r
neuroleptanalgesia (Scienee  
non sequitur nonsequitur
nouvelle cuisine (Friday) noovell kwizeen or nuvel ~
novocaine novocain
nudge (Yiddish), noodge, nudzh nooj
nudnik noodnik
neurophysicist nurofizzicist
neurosurgery nurosurjery
nulliphidian ( "a person who has no faith or religion; skeptic" nullifiddean
nutria nuetrea or nootreaa (comments?)
nutrition, ~tious nuetrition, nuetrishas
objet trouvé, objet trouvé\e (  "a found object with aesthetic value"") obzhaitruvay or obzhaitruevay or obzhaytruvay or obzhaytruevay or obzhaitroovay or obzhaytroovay or ?? (comments?)
oceanicity (Science Saturday) oashanissity
oleaginous oleajjinus
onager onnajer
onychomycosis onnicomycosis or onnikomycosis
ophicleide (musical instrument, predecessor to the tuba) oficlide
ophidian (Science Saturday) ofiddean
ophidiophobia, ophiophobia (fear of snakes) ofiddeofobia, ofeofobia
opinion opinyon, apinyon, opinyan, or apinyan
opioid (Science Saturday) opeoid or opeeoid (comments?)
oppress, oppressive, oppression apres/iv, apretion
opprobrium, (plural) opprobria oproabreum, oproabrea or aproabreum, aproabrea
oriole oreole
orthodontiae, orthodonture (Science Saturday) orthodonsha, orthodonchur
orthotic/s (Science Saturday) orthottic/s
oryx orix
otolaryngology, otolaryngologist (Science Saturday) otolarringgollojy, otolarringgollojist
ougiya (unit of currency in Mauritania) oogeeya
overwrought overraut or overaut (comments?)
Paiute, Piute Piute (only) or Piyute
palatine, palatinate palatine but palattinate
pallet palet (tho that would make it the same as reform proposal for palette / pallette / pallet (color-mixing board in painting proposed September 17, 2009; but they were already written the same in one form of that word, so it makes no difference)
panocha, panoche, penuche, penuchi (Food Friday) (different foods need different spellings) panoacha, panoachee; penoochee
parkour (sport; use with "traceur") parkoor or parkoore
paten, patin pattin
penetralia ( "the most private or secret things. ... the innermost parts or recesses of a place or thing,") pennetrailea
penury, penurious pennury, penureus
pericarp (Science Saturday) perricarp
periodontist, periodontics, periodontia, periodontology, periodontal (Science Saturday) perreodontist, perreodontics, perreodontia, perreodontollojy, perreodontal
Pernod (Booze Tuesday) pairnoe
phallic, phallus fallic, fallus [yaora...] (Inappropriate for this project, which is largely intended for schoolchildren?) (comments?)
phat fatt [space...]
phreak freek [fishstick...] (Microsoft Encarta dictionary: "make free phone calls illegally")
phys ed fiz ed [space...]
physiomesh (Science Saturday) fizzeomesh
phytoestrogen (Science Saturday) fytoewestrojen
piano, pianist peeanno [Boath...] or peanno; peannist (comments?)
pied-à-terre pyaidatare, pyaidatair (two AI's, slitely different, OK?) or pyaydatair (comments?)
piezoelectric/ity (Science Saturday) pyeezoeelectric/ity
Pilates pilotteez
pillion pillyon [yaora...] (contrast ''lion'') (low priority; not part of the general public's vocabulary)
pirogue, piragua piroeg or piroag, pirogwa (There is a second pronunciation for "piragua" with a short-A rather than "broad"; do we need to accommodate that?) (comments?)
pizzaiolo, pizzaiola (Food Friday) peetsiolo, ~la or peetsiyolo, ~la
plantain (Food Friday) plantan, or planten (We can, if we like, distinguish the two different plants, the banana-like fruit of the tropics, from the temperate-zone weed, by assigning one of these spellings to each.)
playa (American Heritage "A nearly level area at the bottom of an undrained desert basin, sometimes temporarily covered with water".) pliah
pledge plej (What about the plural or third-person singular? "Plejes" or "plejjes"?)
Pleistocene (Science Saturday) plystocene
plesiosaur (Science Saturday) pleseosaur or pleeseosaur (comments?)
pneumococcus, ~i; pneumococcal (Science Saturday) numococcus, ~cocci; numococcal
pluvial (Science Saturday) pluveal
polio/myelitis (Science Saturday) poleo/myelitis
polydactyl/y (Science Saturday) pollydactil/ly
polyethylene (Science Saturday) pollyethalene ("Ethalene" was used February 18, 2013.)
polymer (Science Saturday) pollimmer or pollimer or polimer or polimmer (comments?)
polymorphic, polymorphous (Science Saturday) pollymorfic, pollymorfus
polyp (Science Saturday) pollip
polyphone, polyphony, polyphonic, polyphonous polleefone, poliffony, pollifonnic, polliffonus
polysaccharide, polysaccharid (Science Saturday) pollysackaride or pollysaccaride (Discounts variant spelling without a final-E and pronunciation with a short-I in the last syllable.)  (comments?)
pore por (or leave as "pore" to contrast with "por" for "pour"?) (comments?)
pornography, pornographic pornoggrafy, pornograffic
portmanteau, (plural), portmanteaux, portmanteaus portmantoe
posilutely (playful) pozzilutely (ues only with "absotively")
positron (Science Saturday) pozzitron
possess/ive, possession pozess/iv [Red...], pozesshon or pazess/iv, pazeshon (comments?)
post/age poest /ij (cf. "lost", "posture", "imposter") or poast/ij (like "toast", "roast", "boast")  (comments?)
postprandial poastprandeal or poest~ (comments?)
potpourri poepooree or poparee (comments?)
Pouilly-Fumé (Booze Tuesday) pooyee-feumay
Pouilly-Fuissé (Booze Tuesday) pooyee-fweesay
poultice (Science Saturday) poaltiss (use with "cataplasm")
pour paur [Clap...] or por (see "pore", above) (comments)
pow pou [Wilddog...] or pouw (see -OW GROUP, below)
power powwer or pouwer(see -OWER GROUP, below)
powwow pouwou [Red...] or pouwouw (see -OW GROUP, below) (comments?)
precedent (noun), unprecedented pressident, unpressidented
precious, preciosity preshus, presheosity or presseosity (even if "preciosity" is not reformed because there are two pronunciations, we can still reform "precious")
precipitous precippitus
preconceive preconceve
predicate preddikit
preeclampsia (Science Saturday) pre-eclampsea or preeyeeclampsea (commens?)
preface, prefatory preffis, preffatory
preference prefference [rhod...]
prehensile (Science Saturday) prehensil
prejudice prejjudiss
premier primmeer
premiere, première premeer (for pronunciation pree.meer); leave premiere for uncommon/pretentious pronunciation pri.myair)
preparation prepparation
presbyter/ian prezbiter, prezbiteerean
present/ation, omniprezzent prezzent/ation, omni/prezzent
present (verb) preezent
presentiment prizentiment
preserv/ativ prezerv/ativ
president prezzident [yaora...]
presidio presiddeo
prestidigitation prestidijitation
prestige presteezh (I simply do not accept, as a respectable alternative, the illiterate pronuncation "presteej")
presumptuous prezumpchuus
pret-a-porter prettaportay
pretension pretention
preternatural preeternachural
prevalent, prevalence prevvalent, prevvalence (PRE is commonly pronounced with long-E)
prevaricate prevarricate
preview prevue
previous preveus
prey prae [Firewall...]
prima donna preemadonna
primary primerry
primavera preemavaira
primitive primmitiv (compare primordial, primary)
primo preemo
prism, prismatic prizzam [Clap...] or prizzom (cf. blossom) or prizm (comments?); prizmattic
private, privacy privat, privacy (low priority) (British pronunciation prív.a.see would be accommodated)
privet privvet
privy privvy
prix fixe preefeex [Firewall...]
proactive proactiv or proewactiv (comments?)
probit probbit
procaine (Science Saturday) procain
procedure, ~uralaa proceejur/al
prodigious prodijjus
prodigy proddijy
produce (noun) proeduce
product prodduct
progenitor projenniter
program proegram or proagram or prohgram (comments?)
progressive, progression progressiv, progretion or progreshon / progreshun (comments?)
proliferate, ~ation prolifferate, prolifferation (starts "prolife")
prolific proliffic
prologue prolog (or change with -OGUE group)
promise prommiss [Firewall...] (cf. surmise, paradise)
pronunciation pronunceation
proof prufe or proohf
propagate (Science Saturday) proppagate
propel propell
proper/ty propper [Fieyer...], propperty [fishstick...]
propitious propishus
propose, ~sal propoze, propozal [Monsters...]
proprioception propreoception
proscenium proseneum or proseeneum (comments?)
prosecute, prosecution prossecute, prossecution
prosody prossody
prospective prospectiv
prosthetic/s ("prosthesis" is fine) (Science Saturday) prosthettic/s
protean proteean (shows clearly that the word is three syllables; also cues stress on second syllable that many people use to distinguish from "protein")
protein proteen or protene (to distinguish from "teen", for "teenager") (There is an old-fashioned, scientific pronunciation in three syllables, proe.tee.yin, that I don't think we need to accommodate.) (comments?)
protest (verb), protester, protestor protestt, protestter
provenance provvenance
provender provvender
proverb provverb
province provvince
provocateur provoccatur
provocative provoccativ
proximity proximmity
pseudo- sudo-
pseudobulbar (Science Saturday) sudoebulbar
pseudoephedrine (Science Saturday) sudo(-)efedrine, sudoewefedrine  (Do we need to insert a hyphen or W here? Simpler to read and write is not necessarily shorter.) (comments?)
psittacism ( "mechanical, repetitive, and meaningless speech") sittacizm
psoas (Science Saturday) soass (but cannot reform "iliopsoas" because it has two pronunciations, one without and one with a P-sound)
psoriatic (Science Saturday) saureattic ("Soriasis" was used here on August 9, 2004, but sound of the second syllable is different here.)
psychiatry, ~tric (Science Saturday) sykiatry, / sykeeatric
psychoactive (Science Saturday) sycoewactiv or sycoactiv (comments?)
psychology, ~gical (Science Saturday) sycology, /-ical (but see -ology, above)
psychosis, psychotic (Science Saturday) sycosis [fishstick...], sycottic
psychometry, psychrometer, psychrometric (Science Saturday) sycrommetry, sycrommeter, sycrometric
Ptolemaic tollemayic
pubescent, pre~ (Science Saturday) peubessent, pre~
pudgy pujjy
pull poole or poohl or pooll [Orange...] (Would this still be read as having a long-OO?) (comments?)
pulley pully
pungent punjent (2 probs:  GE for J, no NG-sound despite an NG-spelling)
punish punnish (contrast "punitive")
purblind purbliend or purblynd or per~
purchase purchus [Garden...]
purée, puree (Food Friday) peuray(e), puray (comments?)
purge perj [Red...] or purj (comments?)
purpose purpus (contrast "propose", "verbose")
purr pur [Unicycle...] (cf. fur, cur, blur)
purview purvue
put poot (cf. foot) [Clap...]
pueblo pweblo
putsch putch or puch or pootch or pooch (comments?)
Pygmy, pigmy (Science Saturday) pigmy
pycnocline (Science Saturday) picnocline
pyorrhea (Science Saturday) pioreeya
pyramid/al, ~ical peeramid/al, ~ical [Dogs...]
pyrotechnic/s, pyrotechnical pyroteknic/s, pyroteknical
Pyrrhic Peeric (I actually heard Jonathan Turley, a legal scholar, say this with a long-I, píe.rik, on MSNBC 12/5/08.)
Pythagorean/ism pithaggoreean/izm
puberty (Science Saturday) peuberty (to combat the occasional mispronunciation púe.ber.tèe as against the proper pyúe.ber.tèe)
pubes (Science Saturday) peubeez
pubescent, pubescence, pubescency (Science Saturday) peubessent, peubessence, peubessency
pugilism, pugilist/ic peujilizm, peujilist/ic
pulchritude pulcritude
pusillanimous pusilannimus
putamen, (plural:) putamina (Science Saturday) peutaymen, (plural:) peutammina
pyretic, antipyretic (Science Saturday) pyrettic, antipyrettic
pyrography, pyrographic pyroggrafy, pyrografficj
quadriplegia (Science Saturday) quodriplejea or quadripleejea
Rajasthan Rojjastan
ramada ramodda
rambunctious rambunkshus
ratio raisheo
ration/al, irration/al rashon/al, ir/rashon/al
reflexology reflexollojy
remedy remmedy
renovate rennovate
repeat repeet
repose ripoze
repulsive repulsiv
requiem requeam
reside, resident, residence rezide, rezzident, rezzidence
resilience rezillyence
resumption rezumption
reticulate/d, reticular (Science Saturday) reticculate/d, reticcular
retch rech (even tho it becomes a homograf for reformed version of "wretch"; we could leave this as-is, of course, in that the other homophone, "wretch" has been offered for reform)
retribution rettribution
revocation revvocation
revulsive revulsiv
rhabdom, rhabdome; rhabdomere (structure in an insect's compound eye) (Science Saturday) rabdom, rabdomere
rhyolite (Science Saturday) ryolite
riposte, ripost ripoast
risograph rizagraf
riven rivven
rivulet rivvulet
roque (a type of croquet) roak (to avoid confusion with rare word "roke", a scratch on an ingot)
rosarian rozarean
row (argument) rouw
rupestrine ( "Biology. living or growing on or among rocks.") (Science Saturday) rupestrin
rupicolous (Same as "rupestrine.) rupiccolus, rupestrin
Russia/n Rusha/n
saccharine saccarin ("saccharin" was offered as "sackarin" on October 31, 2005)
salicylic (Science Saturday) salicillic
sandals sandle/s (low priority; present spelling is phonetic, but unexpected so would not be guessed by someone who hears it)
sapiosexual (  "a person who finds intelligence to be a sexually attractive quality in others" and "of or relating to such a person".) sapeosexual
sarcophagus/es, sarcophagi sarcoffagus/es, sarcoffaji
savoir vivre, savoir-vivre savwahrveevra ("war" is an existing English word with the wrong sound; and "savwarveevrar" might suggest some kind of warfare)
scathe, scathing scaith(e), scaithing
scent sent [Univer...] ("context would make clear what is meant"?) or sentt (comments?)
scherzando scairtsondo (but Brits say a short-A, not short-O in second syllable) (comments?)
schmutz, shmutz shmootz or shmutz (coments?)
schnitzel shnitsel
schottische shottish (Do we need to accommodate the alternate pronunciation sho(q).téesh?  How would we do that?)
scrofula, scrofulous (Science Saturday) scroffula, scroffulus
scrounge scrounj
seal seel (to prevent pronunciation in two syllables)
secretary, secretarial secraterry, secraterrea;
Seneca Senneca
sensor senser (The spelling-pronunciation sen.saur is well-established. Can we defy it?) (comments?)
Septuagint Septuajint (can't use CH)
search serch
sequin seequin
severy ( "(in a vaulted structure) one bay between two principal transverse arches") sevvery
sexagenarian, sexagenary sexajenarean [Fisherman...] or sexajenairean; sexajjenerry
shmutz (see "schmutz")
Shoshone Shoshonee
sierra seeyaira
sildenafil (generic name of Viagra) (Science Saturday) sildennafil
skijoring ( "a sport in which a skier is pulled over snow or ice, generally by a horse".) skeejoring
slew slu(e) (which of "slough" and "slew" (noun for "bunch") should take "slu" and which "slue"?) (comments?)
slough, slue slu(e) (comments?)
smaragdine ( "of or relating to emeralds. ... emerald-green in color.") smaragdin
snow/ing, snowboard, snowplow sno/ewing, snoewbord, snoewplou(w) or snoeing, snoebord, snoeplou(w) (see -OW GROUP, below) (comments?)
social/ize soashal/ize
sociopathy (Science Saturday) soceoppathy
soft-boil/ed softboil/ed
sombrero sombrairo
soon sune [Caste...]  or soone or soohn (low priority) (comments?)
soupçon, soupcon soohpsaunn or soohpson (comments?)
spa spah (low priority, for being arguably unnecessary)
spasm/odic spazm, spazmoddic
spotlight spotlite [Fisherman...] or spotlyt
sprightly spritely or sprytly
squeak squeek
squeal squeel
stalk (use with "cornstalk", "beanstalk") (noun:) stauk, (verb:) stawk
staph, staphylococcus (Science Saturday) staf, staffilococcus (and plural, ~cocci)
starlight starlite [FireW...] or starlyt
statute stachute
steatopygia (Science Saturday) steeatopijjea
stegosaur/us (Science Saturday) steggosorus [Clap...]
stenograph, stenographer, stenography stennograf, stenoggrafher, stenoggrafy
stepbrother, stepchild, stepdaughter, stepfather, stepmother, etc. stepbruther, stepchiald, stepdauter, stepfother, stepmuther, etc.
stimulus, stimuli stimmulus, ~i
stir ster [FireW...] or stur
stoic, stoicism stoewic [Gator...], stoewicizm
stomachic/al stomackic/al
stooge stooje
stoplight stoplite [Fisherman...] or stoplyt
strenuous strenuus
stopwatch stopwoch [GreenD...]
store stor [Clap...] (do "restor" at same time)
stratagem, strategy, strategic strattajem, strattejy, stratejic or strateejic
stratosphere (Science Saturday) stratosfere [Moon...] or strattusfere (comments?) (mention people's misreading it as "stratastrophe" on TV show Street Smarts)
stravage, stravaig ( "Scot., Irish, and North England. to wander aimlessly ... to saunter; stroll.:) stravaig
streetlight streetlite [FireW...] or streetlyt
stretch strech
stew/n strue/n
stringent strinjent (point out not just J-sound but ambiguity of NG)
striped stripid or strypid (for those who pronounced the -ED as a separate syllable; low priority)
striven strivven [Fishin...]
stroll strole
stronger, ~est strongger, stronggest [Firewall...]
stricture stricchur
structure strucchur
strudel struedle or strudle (Do we need to accommodate the Germanized pronunciation 'shtruedle'?) (comments?)
strychnine, strychnia, strychnina, strychnic (Science Saturday) stricnine or striknine or stricknine (we can't change the -INE ending because it is pronounced differently by different people), stric(k)nea, stric(k)nin(n)a, stric(k)nic  (comments?)
stucco stucko [FireW...] (low priority; present spelling is phonetic, but unusual)
studio studeo [Unicycle...] (cf. "video", contrast "Ohio")
study studdy
sturgeon sturjun
Stygian stijjean
style stial (compare "dial")
subject (noun) subbject [Bookk...] (low priority)
subliminal sublimminal
submerge submerj
subordinate subordinate (verb), subordinat  or subordinit (adj., noun)
subterfuge subterfuje (also mention ZH-sound some people accord the GE)
succumb sucumm or sacumm (comments?)
sucrose (Science Saturday) suerose
suet suwit
suffice sufice
suffixion suffiction [Clap...]
suffrage suffrij
suggest sugjest
sulphur/ous, sulfur/ous (Science Saturday) sulfur/us
sumptuous sumpchuus
sunlight sunlite [FireW...] or sunlyt
sunrise sunrize [Fisherman...]
supercilious supercilleus
superficies superfisheez (The singular and plural are the same, so the -S in the singular does not represent a plural; there is at present a minority pronunciation with 2 syllables in -CIES (sùe.per.fíêez), but it seems unlikely to survive much longer so probably need not be accommodated.)
superfluous superfluus
superior supereor
superlative superlativ
supervise supervize [Firewall...], supervizer
supremacy supremmacy
surety shoority [Tom...]
surfboard surfbord [FireW...]
surface surfus [Caste...] or surfiss (comments?)
surfeit surfit or surfet (better than "surfit", which looks like a compound of "surf" and "it")
surmise surmize or sermize
surreptitious surreptishas
surrey surry
surrogate surrogit
survivor surviver [Red...] or serviver (comments?)
susceptible susseptible or suseptible
suspect susspect [JEA...] (comments?)
suture (Science Saturday) suecher
Svengali svengollee
Swahili (see "Kiswahili")
swan swon [Clap...]
swarm swaurm
swatch swoch (see -ATCH GROUP, below)
sweetbread sweetbred (no "bread" here) [Firewall...]
sweetheart sweethart [Mario...]
sweetie sweety
swimsuit swimsute [GreenD...]
swollen swolen [JEA...] (contrast "pollen")
sybarite, sybaritic sibbarite, sibbarittic
sycophant siccofant ( allows of a second pronunciation, síe.ka.fant, but other online authorities do not show that, so we don't need to accommodate it.)
syllogism sillojizm
sylvan silvan
symbiosis, ~otic, ~iont (Science Saturday) simbeosis, simbeottic, simbeont (How common is the pronunciation sìm.bie.yóe.sis? Can we reform this word or do we have to accept the validity of the (British?) pronunciation sìm.bie.yóe.sis and leave this word unchanged? Comments?
symmetry, symmetrical simmetry, simmettrical or simettrical
symphonic simfonnic ("Simfony" was used here on October 24, 2004.)
synchromesh singkromesh
syncopate, ~tion sincopate or sincapate, ~tion
syncope sincapy or sinkopy (unusual word; low priority) (comments?)
syncretic, syncretism sincretic or sincrettic, sincretism
syndicalism sindicalizm
synecdoche sinekdokee, sinekdoky, sineckdoky, or sinecdoky (comments?)
synoptic (Science Saturday) sinnoptic
synovia, synovial (a lubricating fluid resembling the white of an egg, secreted by certain membranes, as those of the joints) (Science Saturday) sinovea, sinoveal
syntax sintax
syringe (Science Saturday) sirinj
syrup serup [Music...]
systole, systolic (Science Saturday) sistolee, sistollic
tachyphylaxis, tachyphylaxia (Science Saturday) tackeefilaxis, tackeefilaxea
taphephobia ( "an abnormal fear of being buried alive.") taffefobea
taxonomy, taxonomic (Science Saturday) taxonnomy, taxonommic
tea or tee te
telekinesis, tellekinettic tellekine(e)sis, tellekinettic
telluric, tellurian (Science Saturday) teluric
teratology ( "the science or study of monstrosities or abnormal formations in organisms") (Science Saturday) terratollojy or terrotollojy
thraconical ( "boastful; vainglorious.") thrayconical or thraiconical (comments?)
threesome threesum
tian (Food Friday: French cooking [casserole] dish) tyonn
timbre tamber (unless the pronunciation tím.ber is comparably frequent, in which case we can't revise this word)
-tious, -cious -SHUS (?); is this comparable in frequency to -TION, as cannot be changed to something most people will regard as "un-English"?
tocotrienol (Science Saturday) tocotrianol
tomography, tomographic (Science Saturday) tomoggrafy, tomograffic
tostada (Food Friday) toastodda
tourniquet (Science Saturday) turnikit
towser touzer
traceur (participant in sport, parkour; use with "parkour") trassurr or trassurre (comments?) (
transvestite, transvestism tranzvestite, tranzvestizm
treaty treety
tremulous tremmulus
tributary tribbuterry or tribbeuterry
tritium (Science Saturday) tritteum (fights mispronunciations with an SH-sound)
true tru
trunnion trunnyon or trunyon
trepidacious trepidashus or trepidatious (comments?)
Tuareg Tworreg or Twahreg (comments?)
tuque ( "a heavy stocking cap worn in Canada") tuke
tutelage tutelij or tutalij (comments?)
tutti-frutti tooty-frooty or tuty-fruty (comments?)
twosome tuesum [space...] or tusum
ultracrepidarian ( "noting or pertaining to a person who criticizes, judges, or gives advice outside the area of his or her expertise") ultracrepidarean
variety, varietal variatal, variatal
veal (Food Friday) veel
veridical veriddical
vesicle (Science Saturday) vessicle
vestigial (Science Saturday) vestijjeal
Vichy (water) (Food Friday) veeshee
villatic vilattic
vivacious vivaishus or vivayshus (comments?)
vocative voccativ
voluble, volubility volleuble, volleubillity
votive votiv
Wehrmacht Vairmokht (Perhaps this word, regarded now as English as well as German, should be left in its German spelling, except that people in some places new to English and not at all familiar with German, would prefer a spelling that conveys its pronunciation in English conventions.)
Weimaraner wynaranner
werewolf wairwoolf
whiffler whifler
whitey, whity whity
whoosis hooziss
wold woald
wool wooll (to show that the OO is short)
woylie (rat kangaroo) woylee
Yahweh, Yahwe, Yahveh, Yahve, Jahveh, Jahve, Jahweh, Jahwe (Sunday) Yahwae
zabagkuibe zobbalyonae or zobbalyoanay
zoogenous, zooganic (etc.) (Science Saturday) zoewojjenous

Now, some families of words that can be offered as a group rather than one-by-one, unless we have patience enuf to offer them one-by-one.
-amme versus -am (gramme, programme, kilogramme)
-ce versus -se (defence, offence, licence, etc.)
-ise versus -ize
-lling versus -ling (levelling, travelling, etc.)
-our versus -or (British spellings are needlessly longer)
-re versus -er (e.g., centre, litre, metre, etc.)
Oddballs: aether/ether, cheque/check (offered as "chek" on August 28, 2010), connexion/connection, diarrhoea/diarrhea, draught/draft, encyclopaedia/encyclopedia, faeces/feces, foetus/fetus, gaol/jail, haemorrhage/hemorrhage, haemorrhoid/hemorrhoid (offered here September 2, 2010 as "hemmaroid"), inflexion/inflection, jewellery/jewelry, kerb/curb (kerb is at least as good, but "looks funny" to Americans), oesophagus/esophagus (offered July 23, 2006 as "isoffagus"), orthopaedic/orthopedic, pyjamas/pajamas, reflexion/reflection, sceptic/skeptic, storey/story, tyre/tire,

ACCEPTED VARIANTS GROUP (simpler spellings that are already recognized but not universally used; the idea would be to promote the total abandonment of the less reasonable version)
Less Reasonable Spelling Accepted Variant
absinthe absinth
adze adz
aeon eon
aesthetic, aesthete esthetic, esthete
aging ageing
although altho
anaesthesia, anesthesia; anaesthetic, anesthetic annestheezha, annesthettic
aneurysm aneurism
axe ax
barbeque (Food Friday) (This is actually the variant spelling, but is so common that many people don't realize it is not the preferred form.) barbecue [Firewall...]
barque, bark bark
barre bar or barr (comments?)
bhang bang [Robert...] (arcane)
blonde blond (There is actually a distinction between "blonde" and "blond", the form with the E being feminine, the form without, masculine. But if people do not draw that distinction, the shorter form is better.)
bogeyman, bogyman, boogerman, boogeyman, boogieman boogeyman [Shoe...] or boogyman
bootie bootee
brusque brusk
bused, buses, busing bussed, busses, bussing (tough call, since "buss" meaning "kiss" and "to kiss" is a word, but "busing" etc. look as tho they should rhyme with comparable forms of "fuse") (comments?)
caesura cesura
carat karat
catsup, catchup (Food Friday) ketchup ("kechup" has, however, been offered (March 31, 2006) as a more thoro reform)
chalcedony, /-onic calcedony, /-onic
chamois / chammy shammy
charivari shivaree
chutzpah, chutzpa, hutzpah hootspa or hutspa or khutspa or khootspa (comments?)
cigarette, cigaret cigaret or ciggarett or ciggaret  [space...] (comments?)
comptroller controller
coney cony
conveyor conveyer [Firewall...]
crepe, crepe, crape crape
crummy, crumby (miserable) crummy
cuing cueing [yao...]
cutie cutey [Firewall...] (but "cutey" and "cutie" are proposed as "cuty" in main list) (comments?)
daemon demon
disc disk
d.j., DJ, dj deejay
doughnut (Food Friday) donut
draught (Food Friday) draft
drier dryer [Firewall...]
duffel (bag) or duffle duffle
e-mail, emailm E-mail email [Unicycle...]
fakir fakeer
fusee fuzee
gases gasses
gauge gage
gee jee [Cal...]
granddad/dy grandad/dy [Firewall...]
grannie granny [Firewall...]
grey/hound gray/hound [GreenD...]
gunwale gunnel
Hallowe'en Halloween [Firewall...]
hashish hasheesh
hiccough hiccup or hickup [Fisherman...] (comments?)
hoagie (Food Friday) hoagy
hot dog, hot-dog (Food Friday) hotdog [Firewall...]
huskie husky
impostor imposter
jiujitsu, jiujutsu, jujutsu jujitsu
junkie junky
kebab, kebob, kabob kabob
kidnaped, kidnaping kidnapped, kidnapping [Firewall...]
leary leery [fudge...]
lollipop (Food Friday) lollypop [Unicycle...]
lower (verb, "to appear threatening") lour [yaora...]
meanie meany [Firewall...]
mic mike [Firewall...]
midnight midnite [GreenD...] or midnyt
mileage milage (cf. phraseology)
mollusk, mollusc (Food Friday) mollusk
monies moneys [yao...]
moolah moola
mullah mulla
odalisque odalisk
paean pean (but looks like it should rhyme with "bean")
phantasm/a fantazm, fantazma
phantasy fantasy ("phantasy" is a variant that should be banished)
phantom fantom (an accepted variant that should be standard)
phial vial (this is not exactly an alternate spelling, since the PH in "phial" is pronounced F; rather, this is an entire alternate word that should be driven out of the language)
pierogi, pirogi pirogy or pirogee or pirogee or piroghee or piroaghee (comments?)
plough plow
preterite preterit
ramequin ramekin
rase raze [Firewall...]
rescission recision
rhumba rumba
rouble ruble
shh sh [Firewall...]
shish kebab (~kabab, ~kabob, ~cabob, ~kebob, with and without hyphen) shishkabob
sulphur sulfur
swab swob
swap swop [Clap...]
synch sync
template templet
tepee teepee [Firewall...]
theatre theater (but "theeater" would be better, for showing 3 syllables)
tonight tonite [GreenD...] or tonyt
trolley trolly [Unicycle...]
tyke tike or tyk
verandah veranda
wagon waggon [yaora...] (low priority)
whiskey (Food Friday or Wine Wensday) whisky
yoghurt, yoghourt yogurt [Fishin...]

back bak (cf. yak)
black blak/-en ~/-list ~/-hed (cf. flak)
(claque) clak
crack/er (Food Friday) crak/ker
flak jacket flak jaket
flapjack (Food Friday) flapjak
hack hak
jack jak
knack nak
pack pak
plaque plak
sac / sack sak
shack shak
slack/s slak/s
stack stak
tack tak
track trak
whack whak
wrack rak [Cal...]

-AGE GROUP (just a few samples of a very large group, a subgroup of the Soft-G group, below)
adage addij
append/age apend/ij
percentage percentij
sewage suwajij
steerage steerajij

balk, baulk bauk
chalk chauk (used October 19, 2004)
talk tauk (used August 24, 2004)
walk wauk (used October 18, 2004)

alms omz (it is not a plural)
balm bom/bolm
palm pom (offered March, 2008)
psalm som (offered November 28, 2010)

angle anggle
bangle banggle
new-fangled new-fanggled
gangling, gangly ganggling, ganggly
mangle manggle
wrangle ranggle
strangle stranggle
tangle tanggle
triangle trianggle
wangle wanggle

Group 1: pronounced AACH
batch bach (used May 11, 2015)
catch cach
hatch/ery, crosshatch hach/ery, crosshach
dispatch, despatch dispach, despach
latch lach
natch, scratch, etc. nach, scrach, etc.
But not match, because mach, pronounced mok, is already a word.
Group 2: pronounced OCH
swatch swoch
watch woch
Exceptions: bach (cf. composer Bach), mach (speed of sound), Sasquatch (two pronunciations, -och and -ach).

-EE/-EA GROUP (This group works as a simplification only if there are no grammatical endings added. If an ending is added, the dropped-E has to be restored.)
Cree Cre
fee fe (cf. be, he, me, (re,) we; "Fe fi fo fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman")
gee ge / je
glee gle
lee / Lee / Leigh le / Le
pee pe
see se
spree spre
tee te
tree tre

-DG- / SOFT-G GROUP: There are a great many words in which G represents not its own unique sound but the J-sound. This is often but certainly not always the case before E, I, and Y ("gesture" but "get"; "gibberish" but "gibbon"; "gyroscope" but the first GY in "gynecology"). It seems advisable to me to offer J in such locations, and where grammatical endings would not require a double-J, which some people will shy away from because it is "funny-looking" and "un-English". Thus "sage" to "saje" would be unobjectionable, because endings work fine: sajer, sajest, sajeness, sajely. But "frij" for "fridge" would meet more resistance, because the plural would have to be frijjes to show the -I- is short. -DG- is the standard way English spells the J-sound after a short vowel: badge(r), edge, bridge, dodge, grudge, acknowledg(e)ment, judg(e)ment. Somehow, you can simply add endings to the J-sound when it is represented by -DGE, dropping the E when adding -ING in accord with a well-understood rule (badges, bridging), and that doesn't "look funny" to us, whereas bajjes and brijjing would. (I offered "baj", "bajjes", and "bajjer" on August 10, 2010.) Mind you, there are some compound words in which -DG-, even -DGE-, does not represent the J-sound: handgun, headgear. There is also at least one common word, "margarine", in which the G represents the J sound before a vowel other than E , I, or Y. Plainly, ordinary people would have no difficulty accepting a J there: marjarin[e].

Since G is most often "soft" (J-sound) before E, I, and Y tho not in some common words (gear, gecko; give, giddy; gynecology; and their derivatives), traditional spelling employs U or H between a G that retains the G sound and a following E or I (guess, guest; gherkin, ghetto), and we end up with absurdities like "get" but "ghetto".

There are also other difficulties, such as the -NGE- group (below), in which the final-E is also taken as a silent-E to signal that the vowel last written before it, is pronounced long, even tho it is two letters away. We learn to recognize "stranger" as now written as not parallel in sound to "hanger". But changing the G to J will leave some people seeing short-A: stranjer. I have offered -AINJ for such words, which would neatly solve that particular problem.

At end, spelling reform cannot indulge irrational aversions, as to JJ or VV, just because such letter combinations are not found in many traditional English words. What "looks funny" is a function of what one is accustomed to seeing, and to new readers, things like -DG- or -DGE "look funny", but J or JJ does not. After all, J or, after a short vowel, JJ makes sense. DGE does not.

The list below is only indicative, samples. There are a great many words in different forms (G, GG, DG) that fall into this category.

acknowledge/s, acknowledg(e)ment aknollej/jes, aknollejment
age aje
dodge/ball (etc.) doj/ball, doj/jer, /jes, /jy
engage/ment engaje/ment
enrage enraje
exaggerate exajjerate or egzajjerate (substitution of GZ for X is a new spelling that will be resisted; see #17 of the principles that control selection of words for this project) (comments?)
fridge frij/jes
gauge gaje
knowledge nollej (used)
rage raje
sage saje
sedge/s sej/jes
wage waje [rhode...]
wedge, wedgie wej/jes, /jy

-t for some -ed endings: burnt (use as model), tipt, quipt; flapt, tapt; sapt; rokt, sokt; flokt; mixt, fixt
-d for some -ed endings: lernd, queld, feld

breeze breez
freeze freez (offered October 20, 2010)
sneeze sneez
squeeze squeez
tweeze tweez
wheeze wheez

-ELL GROUP (but verbs would retake their second-L in some inflected forms: yelled, yelling)
bell bel
cell cel
dell del
fell fel
gel (use as model) jel
hell hel
knell / Nel nel / Nel
sell sel
spell spel [Cal...]
swell swel
tell tel
well wel
yell yel

-EW GROUP: This is a low-priority area, words like "blew","few", "hew", "Jew", "mew", "curfew", etc.  Reforming them to -U or -UE might not suffice nor "look right" to many people, in part because it will be unclear whether there is a Y sound in them or not, in part because U alone at the end of a word is uncommon, tho certainly not unheard of (ecru, emu, flu). Moreover, if we offer -YU or -YUE endings for them (fyu/e, hyu/e, myu/e), they will "look funny" and "un-English".

-EING GROUP: There are verbs like "bathe", "paste", "waste", "change", and "plunge" whose pronunciation becomes unclear when -ing is added. "Pasting" and "wasting" are not parallel to "fasting"; and "binging" and "plunging" are not parallel to "banging" and "singing". Today, "singeing" and "dyeing" are correct spellings for those verbs. There's no reason we can't write "pasteing", "wasteing", "bingeing" (and "purgeing"), "changeing", "plungeing", etc. Indeed, "bingeing" is a recognized (but unusual) variant, tho "purgeing" is not!
brick brik
chick chik
crick crik
dick (detective) / Dick dik / Dik
flick flik
hick hik
lick lik
mick mik
nick nik
pick pik
prick prik
quick quik
shtick / schtick shtik (variant)
sick sik
slick slik
stick stik
tick tik
trick trik
wick wik

-IND GROUP (comments?)
bind/er biend/er, bynd/er, biynd/er
blind bliend or blynd or bliynd
find fiend or fynd or fiynd
hind hiend or hynd or hiynd
kind kiend or kynd or kiynd
mind miend or mynd or miynd
wind wiend or wynd or wiynd

bill bil
chill (Food Friday) chil
dill (Food Friday) dil
fill (Food Friday) fil
gill / Gil (a model) gil
hill hil
ill il
Jill, jill Jil, jil
kill kil
Lil(lian) Lil (a model)
mill mil
nil / nill (rare word) nil (a model)
pill pil
quill quil
rill ril
sill sil
spill spil
still stil
swill swil
till til
trill tril
twill twil
will wil

-ILLION GROUP (comments?)
billion billyon
centillion centillyon [caj...]
decillion decillyon
gazillion gazillyon
jillion jillyon
million millyon
nonillion nonillyon
octillion octillyon
quadrillion [offered as "quodrillyon" July 13, 2008] quadrillyon
quintillion quintillyon
septillion septillyon
sextillion sextillyon
trillion trillyon
zillion zillyon [offered March 17, 2008, with "zillyonair"]

-INGLE GROUP [Firewall...] (If the pattern is consistent, it's not very important to change it, tho this would be nice to do for clarity. The only problem arises when the -ingle is not final but midword (ringlet, ringleader, wingless). I know of no exceptions to the hard-G pronunciation when the sequence i-n-g-l-e is final.)
bingle binggle
commingle, comingle, co-mingle comminggle or cominggle
cringle cringgle
dingle/berry dinggle/berry
immingle iminggle or imminggle
ingle/nook, ingleside inggle/nook, inggleside
intermingle interminggle
jingle jinggle
mingle minggle
shingle/s shinggle/s
single singgle
surcingle surcinggle
swingle swinggle
tingle tinggle
triangle trianggle

-INGO/-ANGO GROUP: binggo, dinggo, flaminggo, gringgo; contanggo, fandanggo, manggo, quanggo, tanggo (contrast "presto chango"). (Low priority, since the pronunciation is almost always consistent.)
-IVE GROUP (all of this group could be changed to drop the final-E; the selection below is only indicativ(e), not exhaustiv(e).
abortive abortiv
active, inactive activ, inactiv
descriptive descriptiv [Fishin...]
destructive destructiv
detective detectiv
effective effectiv
inactive inactiv
perspective, introspective perspectiv, introspectiv (or, clearer for non-hative speakers of English) introespectiv
punitive punitiv
restrictive restrictiv

block/buster blok/buster
bock bok
brock brok
clock clok
cock/tail, -roach  (Food Friday or  Wine Wensday) cok/tail, -roach
crock crok
deadlock dedlok [GreenD...]
dock dok
flock flok
frock frok
hock hok
jock/-ey jok/-ky
knock nok
lock lok
mock mok (unless "mach" is revised to "mok")
pock/-marked pok/-marked or /-t
rock rok
shock shok
sock sok
stock stok
wok (Food Friday) wok (use as model)

-OGUE GROUP (Since many of these are widely accepted variants, it might be simplest to present them as a group on a single day. I doubt most  are worth a day apiece.) (As at 3/28/10, dialog, pedagog, ideolog, and vogue have been used.)
analogue annalog
catalogue cattalog
epilogue eppilog
monologue monnolog
prologue prolog
prorogue proroeg or proroag (comments?)
synagogue sinnagog
travelogue travvelog

-OLD / -OLT GROUP (comments?)
behold/en behoeld/en, behoald/en
bold (boldface,  embolden, etc.) boeld [Clap...], boald
bolt boelt, boalt (used, as "boalt", on May 12, 2015)
cold coeld [Clap...], coald
colt coelt, coalt
fold/er (billfold, blindfold, centerfold, enfold, foldout, etc.) foeld/er, foald/er
gold/en goeld [Clap...], goald/en (offered March 31, 2011)
hold hoeld [Clap...], hoald
manifold manifoeld, manifoald
marigold marigoeld, marigoald
mold/ing, molder moeld/ing [Clap...], moald/ing; moelder, moalder
old, older, oldest oeld, oald; ~er, ~est
smolder smoelder or smoalder
sold soeld [Clap...], soald
told (Offered as "toald" on August 11, 2011.)
volt voelt, voalt
withhold withhoeld, withhoald

bore bor
core (Food Friday) cor
gore gor
ignore ignor
lore lor
pore / pour por / paur  (comments?)
sore sor
spore spor
store stor

-OS/-OES GROUP: There are many words ending in O that do not, or do not have to, take an -ES in the plural (see this helpful discussion: This is especially common with words taken from Spanish or Italian (taco, grotto), and since English is borrowing more and more words from Spanish, the plural of words ending in O are likely to become more and more inconsistent, especially if people cannot readily tell whether a word derives from Spanish or Italian - e.g., tornado, which does ultimately derive from Spanish, albeit twisted in form, but has been in English so long (since about 1560) that its plural is generally anglicized to -OES. SSWD can recommend that all plurals of words ending in O should take -OES.

-OUS GROUP:  -OUS ENDINGS might all be changed to -US.
glove gluv
hover huvver (alternative pronunciation mililtates against this)
love/-r luv/ver
shovel shuvvel (offered February 13, 2006)

-OV(E)- (LONG-U SOUND) GROUP to -uve or -oove  or even -oov (comments?) ["Prove" group changed to "pruve", August 23, 2005, which see.]
approve apruve (used, August 23, 2005)
disprove dispruve (used, August 23, 2005)
improve/ment impruve/ment (used, August 23, 2005)
move muve or moove
movie muvie or muvy or moovy or muvee
prove pruve (used, August 23, 2005)
reprove repruve (used, August 23, 2005)

-OW GROUP  There are two common pronunciations for words with -ow in them, one long-O (bow, barrow, blow/n, glow, grow/n, know/n, low, mow, marrow, morrow, slow, sow, tow, tomorrow, etc.), the other the OU-sound (bow, cow, endow, how, now, plow, powwow, sow, howl, etc.). Which, if either, should be changed? OW can be seen as a clear rendering of the long-O sound plus a W-glide, so perhaps that group should not change. OW is not, however, a clear rendering of the OU-sound, so perhaps all those should be replaced by OU or, if final, OUW. This is a large class of words, and it may not be worth doing anything with them unless people learning English perceive a real problem. I'm not sure it's that troublesome. But if it is, only one subgroup need be reformed to make clear that the other group is pronounced differently. Which, if either, should it be? Comments?
-OWER GROUP (comments?) Compare "powwow"; contrast "borrower", "slower"
bower bowwer / bouwer / bour / bouwer
cower cowwer / couwer / cour / couwer
dower/y dowwer / douwer / douwer
firepower firepowwer [Cal...] / firepouwer / firepouwer
flour / flower  (Food Friday) flowwer / flouwer / flouwer
glower Offered as "glower" on 1/8/11.
horsepower horsepowwer [Cal...] / horsepouwer / horsepouwer
hour owwer / ouwer / ouwer
lower (to glare, sullenly) Offered as louwer, May 15, 2011.
power powwer / pouwer / pouwer
shower (Offered as "shouwer" on February 5, 2011.)
tower (Offered as "touwer" on February 6, 2011.)
waterpower waterpowwer [Cal...] / waterpouwer / waterpouwer (comments on which approach is better?)

brown broun
clown cloun
crown croun
down doun (and its many derivatives, e.g., dounrite [Cal...], dounward, hoedoun, lowdoun)
drown droun
gown goun
frown froun
renown renoun
PRONOUNCED LONG-O: This is a very problematic group, since all but one are irregular pasts of verbs ending in -OW (blown, flown, grown, known, mown, thrown, sown, shown, unbeknown, unknown), so all these would have to be reformed, or in the alternative all words ending in -OW pronounced OU would have to be reformed (how, now, cow, endow, etc.). Plainly if one group is reformed, the other does not have to be, since it will be a default for its pronunciation. (Comments?)

buck buk
duck (Food Friday) duk
huckleberry (Food Friday) hukleberry
huckster hukster
luck luk
muck muk
pluck pluk
shuck shuk
snuck snuk [fishstick...]
struck struk
suck suk
truck truk
tuck tuk
yuck yuk (variant)

bluff bluf
buff buf
cuff cuf
duff duf
fluff fluf
gruff gruf
guff guf
huff huf
muff muf
puff puf
ruff ruf (but "rough" was offered as "ruf" on June 25, 2004)
scuff scuf
snuff snuf
stuff stuf

-Y ENDING (PRONOUNCED AS LONG-I) GROUP: Most words of more than one syllable ending in -Y take a long-E sound in their last syllable (clipped-vowel speakers tend to pronounce it short-I). Words of one syllable ending in -Y usually take the long-I sound. But there is a class of words of more than one syllable in which the -Y takes its full long-I sound. Perhaps we should eventually conform all these words, of one syllable or multiple syllables without distinction, to a single spelling for the final vowel sound.

There are at least three ways to respell that ending: -IE (as in present pie, belie, and hogtie), -YE (as in rye and goodbye), and -IY, a new spelling suggested to me by a spelling reformer from Japan, on the model of -AY. One can see the same principle, a long vowel followed by a Y-glide, in some -EY words (such as abbey, barley, cockney, key, tourney, whiskey), tho other -EY words sound in long-A (they, hey, convey, obey), . The sample words below are respelled all three ways so you can consider how they would actually look. ("By" is not shown, because how to deal with it is a very complicated issue, inasmuch as it has three homophones, "bye", "buy", and "bi".)

ally noun: allie or allye or alliy; verb: alie or alye or aliy
apply aplie or aplye or apliy
cry crie or crye or criy
decry decrie or decrye or decriy
deny denie or denye or deniy
dry drie or drye or driy
fly flie or flye or fliy
fry frie or frye or friy
imply implie or implye or impliy
multiply (verb) multiplie or multiplye or multipliy
my mie or mye or miy
ply plie or plye or pliy
pry prie or prye or priy
rely relie or relye or reliy
reply replie or replye or repliy
shy shie or shye or shiy
sky skie or skye or skiy
sly slie or slye or sliy
spry sprie or sprye or spriy
supply suplie/supplie or suplye/supplye or supliy/suppliy
rely relie or relye or reliy
reply replie or replye or repliy
try trie or trye or triy
why whie or whye or whiy
wry (offered as "ry" on October 29, 2005) rie or wrye or riy
amplify amplifie or amplifye or amplifiy
electrify electrifie or electrifye or electrifiy
humidify humidifie or humidifye or humidifiy
qualify qualifie or qualifye or qualifiy
simplify simplifie or simplifye or simplifiy
testify (and many, many more) testifie or testifye or testifiy

Should we even attempt to reform this category of word? If so, does any of the three approaches above do the trick? -IE is already a common ending, pronounced long-E (or, among clipped-vowel speakers, short-I) showing, among other things, the diminutive: cookie, kiddie, doggie. It has other uses, e.g., rookie, newbie. Is changing -Y to -IE any clearer than leaving it -Y? And what about the present progressive ending -ING? Would we simply add it to the -IE (trieing, electrifieing), or change the IE to Y, which would return us to what we now have (trying, electrifying)? Is -YE too cumbersome to be accepted, or would the clarity gained make such a trivial lengthening welcome? In the progressive, the most common present practice is simply to drop a final-E and add -ING, as would give us again what we now have: crying, flying. But there are exceptions, in which a final-E is retained before the -ING is added: dyeing, eyeing, hogtieing. If we use -IY, the -ING could simply be added after the Y: deniying, amplifiying. But what do we do about third-person singular? Deniys, amplifiys? or denies, amplifies (which requires a rule to drop the Y and add -ES, akin to the present rule, drop the Y and add -IES). Perhaps we don't need to reform one-syllable words (cry, try, fly) if there are no exceptions to the long-I pronunciation. Are there any exceptions? If not, we can leave one-syllable words ending in -Y and reform only words of more than one syllable. (Comments?)

Click here for today's suggestion.
Click here to see the index of all words used so far.
Click here for the principles that govern the selection of words.
Click here for a list of words rejected for this project because of those principles.

SSWD is a project of L. Craig Schoonmaker, [rNewark, New Jersey, United States, creator of Fanetik: Reformed (Phonetic) Spelling - at Least for Teaching. For information about other ways to change irrational spellings, search the Internet for "spelling reform".

Please send comments and suggestions to